This section is to help educate you so you can make an informed decision about the biodiesel industry.
There's a lot of buzz these days about biodiesel and you might be wondering if this is some fad or the industry you want to be invested in. It's clear governments are fully behind biodiesel with their lucrative subsidies and when you consider that big players like Chevron are building huge biodiesel plants, it's a strong indicator this industry is here to stay.

So why all the hype about biodiesel? Well consider these facts...

Biodiesel is the most tested, proven, practical and economically sound alternative to conventional diesel fuel.
Biodiesel is a renewable clean burning fuel that can be manufactured from algae, vegetable oils, animal fats or recycled restaurant greases.
It is safe, biodegradable and reduces air pollutants, such as particulates, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons.

It can be used in diesel engines with no major modifications.

Biodiesel is simple to use, biodegradable, non toxic andessentially free of sulfur and aromatics.

Biodiesel-powered engines deliver similar torque, horsepower and fuel economy as No 2 diesel petroleum-powered diesel vehicles.

Biodiesel has significantly improved lubricity, which can decrease maintenance costs and reduce engine wear.

Using biodiesel will not void manufacturer warranties - manufacturer warranties cover defects in material and workmanship, and those warranties extend to engines burning biodiesel.

Biodiesel has the highest energy content (BTUs) of any alternative fuel and is comparable to No. 1 diesel.

Pure Biodiesel lowers carbon monoxide (CO) emissions by 44 percent, particulate matter emissions by 40 percent and sulfate emissions by 100 percent.

Biodiesel is non-toxic and biodegradable. Biodiesel can be used at 100% levels or mixed in any proportion with No. 2 diesel or No. 1 diesel.

Biodiesel reduces emissions of carbon monoxide (CO) by approximately 50% and carbon dioxide by 78% on a net lifecycle basis because thecarbon in biodiesel emissions is recycled from carbon that was in the atmosphere, rather than the carbon introduced from petroleum that was sequestered in the earth's crust.

Unlike other fuel additives, biodiesel poses minimal risk to water quality.

Biodiesel also reduces greenhouse gases, which contribute to global warming.

Lifecycle analysis of biodiesel production, distribution and use show that biodiesel produces 78% less CO2 than petroleum diesel fuel. Does not contribute to sulfur dioxide emissions.

A flash point of over 250° F makes it much safer to use, store and handle than diesel, gasoline, or other gaseous fuels.

In the United States, biodiesel is the only alternative fuel to have successfully completed the Health Effects Testing requirements (Tier I and Tier II) of the Clean Air Act (1990).

According to Emerging Markets Online, the global market for biodiesel is poised for explosive growth in the next ten years.

Although Europe currently represents 90% of global biodiesel consumption and production, the U.S. is now ramping up production at a faster rate than Europe, and Brazil is expected to surpass Brazil and European biodiesel production by the year 2015.


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